Sunday, May 20, 2012

Whale of a Time: Who Wants $250,000. and a Cleaner Ocean ?

Whale of a Time: Who Wants $250,000. and a Cleaner Ocean ?: Who Wants $250,000. and a Cleaner Ocean ?........we do !! ....if we may ask a small favor that will take about 30 seconds of your time C...

Who Wants $250,000. and a Cleaner Ocean ?

Who Wants $250,000. and a Cleaner Ocean ?........we do !!

....if we may ask a small favor that will take about 30 seconds of your time

Chase, Facebook, and Living Social are giving Grants to small for profit companies that are active in their community.

And we need your (vote) help.   Whale Tails Tortilla Chips is currently in Second Place ..and it's "Crunch" Time for us and our  oceans............

HOW to VOTE for Whale Tails Tortilla Chips :

 Log in to: Facebook  (yes you need a Facebook account to vote)

 Then Go to :
  1.  Click on  “Log In Support” on the home page,  
  2. Then the voting page will appear, about halfway down the page you will see Vote Local
  3.  Find the box that says Business Name and just type in:  Chips
  4. Move over to the far right of the page and Touch the SEARCH button , 
  5.  Whale Tails Tortilla Chips will come up  on the left side of the page
  6. Touch the Blue rectangle  VOTE 
  7. That's it ....if you want to share you vote there is a selection to do that as 'whale'
Voting ends June 30 so if you or any friends want to chip in it would be much appreciated !