Thursday, March 28, 2013

That Rare Moment You've Had With Whales

You know that moment, when you get to the beach and sit down with a bag of Whale Tails Chips. Then you look far into the ocean, and it happens: You see a whale burst out of the water, and it floats mid-air for a second. It hits the water and the last thing you see is that tail. But right before that tail disappears you hold up a Whale Tails Chip in front of your one open eye, and it matches up perfectly with the monstrous tail in the distance. The chip resonates with a silver lining. Right when the tail disappears with a splash you crunch into that delicious organic sliver of natural ingestible love, and Dick Dale's "Misirlou" explodes through your earbuds from your mp3 know that moment? Yeah we don't either, but it sounds great doesn't it? We imagine right then as the song plays a cavalcade of your half-naked friends would come running/tumbling over the hill through t he hot sand heading straight for the water, until they spot you holding a bag of natural, kosher, organic, gluten free Whale Tails Chips. That's when they take a sharp ninety degree left directly towards you, and you become the bottom of the NFL fumble pile, people peeling off your friends one by one to see who's got the bag. They are just that tasty.
Well, all your chips are gone but you still got that fine piece of Wyland art to pin to your Whale Tails Chips collage wall at home, right? Got a good story like this one? Tell us about it!

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